Phase 1 Completed!

 Summery of Work in Makoko by Jack and friends:

1.        We created a missionary apartment that has 1600 watts of
solar power with two strong batteries.  There has been a missionary scheduled to come and work with the Makoko people in December, and others have shown interest.  So pray that more and more Christians will continue to go to Makoko and invest in the beautiful people who live there.

2.       We proved that aquaponics can clean the waters of Makoko
while producing foods - with a working model.  This concept proof means that people can be expanded among the people.  So pray that a missionary would go and organize the food production.  In my view, aquaculture could transform the community into a destination spot in the world as it would turn the grey and bleak green with plants and cleaned canal waters.  But having a vision and spreading a vision has always been my Achillis-Heal šŸ˜Š I will begin conversations with the University of Lagos about a partnership of aquaculture and the Makoko community (My last sickness stopped those conversations, so now Iā€™m looking to restart them).  We are also applying for a grant to start phase 2 of the Makoko project.

3.       We developed a three-stage plan (phase 2)for cleaning the waters of
Makoko and to reach into the tributaries coming out of the city of Lagos.  Pray for a worker to take on this project.  It could literally improve the lives of thousands of great peopleā€™s lives!  It would not take a lot of money to get the ball moving for the Makoko community (probably 100k) but then would start paying for itself in gained revenues through food production and increased tourism.  Pray that if this is Godā€™s will, God would find people who would want to give for this kind of project.

4.       We distributed 25 Uzima water filters to local families for
water treatment for drinking water.  We also formed a cooperative that shares 8 total cisterns.  We have local leaders running the cooperative.  They have the idea, pray that they would truly see cooperatives as a way to ā€œā€¦. Love your neighbor as yourselfā€¦ā€  Pray also for other cooperatives to spring up ā€“ like a solar power cooperative.  Remember that most people have no electricity at all.
So having 2 LED lights and a solar fan to sleep at night would be a great improvement to the lives of thousands of people.  A small system like that doesnā€™t cost a lot of money.  From that point of quality-of-life improvement, the community could expand their electrical cooperative to meet greater needs as many rural communities in the USA have done for decades.

5.       There are so many ways in which we can reach the people of
Makoko.  I havenā€™t even discussed the Christian school and orphanage.
I just didnā€™t really feel called into that direction of work but it is certainly a way to minister Jesus Love.

As for me, I would like to go back but Iā€™m feeling like I might be more of a burden than a help at this point.  There were several times I thought I was going to die and that took energy away from the mission and the vim and vigor and bravado out of me.  I always thought I wanted to go out swinging my gloves, but I remember Solomon (my Makoko helper) lifting me out of bed and washing me and massaging my hands and feet with ointments.  And taking intravenous medicines and mountains of pills to regain partial strength.  I might be like the woman who swears off having children just after giving birth for the
first time??? But then goes on to have a large family.   I donā€™t knowā€¦
 Iā€™m going to need some time to process life.

I do know that Iā€™m glad I went ā€“ and that I went with your prayers and support.  You guys saved my life in so many ways.  I wasnā€™t perfect!
I could have worked so much harder ā€“ I was pretty lazy compared to what I thought I would do.  But our Father seemed to make up the difference; as though he knew my weaknesses and accounted for it in the work.  That is a special memory of the Fatherā€™s provision in Makoko ā€“ in whom you danced too.  Thank you for Dancing ā€“ we made a bit of a difference in this broken world!

Aquaculture and Compassion for the Poor (ACP)

If you would like to give financially with a card ā€“ go to the following page and find the heading called:

  • Ā·       Aquaculture and Compassion for the Poor (ACP)


If you would like to write a check, write the check to:

  • Ā·      Cross Connections of KC

  • Ā·      PO Box 901945, Kansas City MO 64190

  • Ā·      This is the non profit that takes care of my accounting and gifts - Cross Connections is a NonProfit with the EIN 45-4548192 for your records. They enable small mission projects like the this Makoko Project.   

  • Ā·      please leave the memo blank and add a posted note with either my name or (ACP)

  • Ā·      Cross Connect will send you an annual report of giving for your taxis

  • Please pray about forwarding this to others who might be interested in praying for this workā€¦


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