Our first Silas Wall!

Solomon and Baby Grace seem to be God send to me and this project.  Solomon speaks pretty good English, street smart, and then just scary smart.  I'm speaking as a professional teacher who has observed lots of people and how they learn.  He is an example of someone who lives in poverty when still being very smart.  He gets along, taking the opportunities that present themselves (which are not many in Makoko).  

He also saved my tail in the market one day.  I didn't know that you had to pay money to take a picture - it's another way to make some money.  
I was taking a picture of some sugar Cain and a lady came over literally screaming.  I thought she was mad at Solomon but it was at me. Solomon stood between her and me.  Within seconds their were 7 more people surrounding Solomon.  Solomon turned into a bulldog in my defense and the lady pushed him but he kept his hands down and did not push back.  The people are so poor and make a dollar a day maybe?  I think many are inwardly angry at the world; just seething and building within them from day after day of dirt, mud and hopelessness - I know that I would be.  I think this song sums up the feeling.  Yet, they are surprisingly joyful and resilient in poverty - I'm not sure I would be - I can let the bitter worm of Jonah turn in me pretty easily at times! 
Anyway, Solomon pretty much fended them all off, although at the end, some more of our friends came by and we weren't so outnumbered.  
Loud arguments seem to be normal in the culture here - I mean really loud.  And its no big deal.  And when the Nigerians play and get to talking - it also gets louder and Louder.  The other day there was a really loud argument under the community hut.  I asked Prince Tiawo what they were arguing about and he said that it was an argument about who makes more money, the Politian or the business CEO (please, no offense to my CEO friends 😄 {I don't know any politicians so I don't have to apologize to them}).  I just had to laugh - some things are just universal!  

One last point on anger at the world for the ravages of fate.  Jesus understands because he took that exact feeling on the cross.  He wanted to understand us in such a broken world.  God's understanding gives us a release point.  We can release our feelings of anger at technology that goes against us in some arbitrary yet seemingly plotting way.  Jesus said in the agony upon the cross - "My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?"  This is the feeling that leads to the anger of mankind against the cosmos of poverty and un-earned calamity.  Jesus didn't have to take this on!  He wanted to understand you - and me, so we wouldn't be alone in anything.  To have an understanding friend is to have a place to vent and release and still be accepted.  The cross is the great ventilator of love which covers and dissipates our anger with understanding.  In this way, the Christian can go anywhere and point to Divine love!

Back to Solomon - he is smart!  He could be the guy to take over from me and make a business of aquaculture and cooperative projects!  He learns the science fast! 
After discussing my plans for Aquaculture and after he knew I would get it done with or without him.  He accepted the 'outside of the box' thinking and took the initiative to start building it. And in this one morning we (or he) had set it (my only complaint is he treats me like an invalid grandpa and wont let me get "in there" in order to protect me - but I'm used to that! - I still like to think of myself as Aslan, in whom the beaver said, "Aslan is not a tame Lion!").  🦁

This modified Silas Wall will be our starting model for aquaculture food production.  We will use this model to make educated adaptations and fine tuning adjustments.  The box is set to the tidal fluctuations and floods of the lagoon (as best we can for now).  It also takes into account both brackish water and fresh water fluctuations in the lagoon. 

Today, we will go and find Cumber plants to try and transplant into the Silas Wall (My first Grandson's name).  

Now, just a little about Baby Grace - she is always coming up to me with smiles and fun. We play games that only we can understand and in which my writing skills are not accomplished enough to describe, so I'm afraid you will have to just peer at it from a distance picture.  :)

Aquaculture and Compassion for the Poor (ACP)

If you would like to give financially with a card – go to the following page and find the heading called:

  • ·       Aquaculture and Compassion for the Poor (ACP)


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  • ·      Cross Connections of KC

  • ·      PO Box 901945, Kansas City MO 64190

  • ·      This is the non profit that takes care of my accounting and gifts - Cross Connections is a NonProfit with the EIN 45-4548192 for your records. They enable small mission projects like the this Makoko Project.   

  • ·      please leave the memo blank and add a posted note with either my name or (ACP)

  • ·      Cross Connect will send you an annual report of giving for your taxis

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