
Working (at least as an experiment) Model of "Natural" Hydroponics with Food!

 Our first model of a Silas wall is up and running.  It has several species of water plants but it also has some Cucumber plants in the system that seems to be native?  We found it on a hike.   we will have to modify the Silas Wall soon as the locals tell me the lagoon will soon turn salty.   MAKOKO AND CHRIST'S MISSIONS TO THE POOR If you would like to give financially  with a card  – go to the following page and find the heading called: ·        Christ's Missions to the Poor (CMP) If you would like to write  a check , write the check to: ·        Cross Connections of KC ·        PO Box 901945, Kansas City MO 64190 ·        This is the non profit that takes care of my accounting and gifts) Cross Connections is a NonProfit with the EIN 45-4548192 for your records. They enable small mission projects like the Makoko Project.    ·        please leave the memo blank and add a posted note with either my name or (CMP) ·        Cross Connect will send you an annual report of giving fo

Unexpected Production!

 I had paid Solomon for all his work with me - he basically keeps me out of trouble, builds with me and translates most things I say.  He took the money and gave it to his wife (I told you he was smart!).  She in turn invested in some fish which she then sold at market for a profit!  Solomon came to me today with a smile and then his wife came to me with a smile to say how much the opportunity meant to them.  Now, I hope you are smiling, because it was with your gifts that I paid him to assist me!  We are just now, together, "... laying up for ourselves in heaven..." treasures.  That's what love does! That was an unexpected outcome of our distribution of God's love here in Makoko.  I hope you are smiling with me now :)  Thank you for helping us in this project!  I couldn't do it without your prayers and support!  Thank You!  Aquaculture and Compassion for the Poor (ACP) If you would like to give financially with a card – go to the following page and find the head

Teaching Again - English, Science & Technology

 Today I got to teach some kids that assembled for an English lesson.  So I taught English with some technology and Science (afterall, English needs a purpose :)  It was a lot of fun.  I concentrated the first part of class to micro-organisms and the need to wash hands before you eat.  And to talk about which water to use when washing hands.  I love teaching when there are no discipline issues and no educational  bureaucracy.   I bet it was similar to our old one room school "house on the prairie" except I had the internet for my textbook.  I also talked about Jesus and how He taught us to do things to others in the same way that we would want to be treated.   MAKOKO AND CHRIST'S MISSIONS TO THE POOR If you would like to give financially  with a card  – go to the following page and find the heading called: Aquaculture and Compassion for the Poor (ACP) If you would like to give financially with a card – go to the following page and find the heading called: ·         Aquac

Our first Silas Wall!

Solomon and Baby Grace seem to be God send to me and this project.  Solomon speaks pretty good English, street smart, and then just scary smart.  I'm speaking as a professional teacher who has observed lots of people and how they learn.  He is an example of someone who lives in poverty when still being very smart.  He gets along, taking the opportunities that present themselves (which are not many in Makoko).   He also saved my tail in the market one day.  I didn't know that you had to pay money to take a picture - it's another way to make some money.   I was taking a picture of some sugar Cain and a lady came over literally screaming.  I thought she was mad at Solomon but it was at me. Solomon stood between her and me.  Within seconds their were 7 more people surrounding Solomon.  Solomon turned into a bulldog in my defense and the lady pushed him but he kept his hands down and did not push back.  The people are so poor and make a dollar a day maybe

I Started to Cry

 When I was leaving to go to the missionary house.  The children came to the water's edge to say goodbye.  They started counting to ten like I taught them - repeating it but saying the numbers faster each time we started over until the words blurred together and we would laugh.  Then they started singing the ABC's.   Solomon translating for me about Jesus' wanting to understand our feelings - so then entering into them all on Earth from heaven.  Because He loves us!  Then we said 'good-bye' with big waves and smile as I was pulled away by the strong driver of the boat.  That hurt.  I told myself that I would come back to them somehow some way.  If not in person, maybe by the work I do or blessings from God that you pray on their behalf.  No school, very little food or clothing and unemployment or child labor to took forward to - unless God prevails through us!  It makes me mad and sad at the same time.  I loved those guys!  Aquaculture and Compassion for the Poor (A

Baby's Piling - First Model Complete!

 I invented it, so I get to name it :) I didn't think Baby's Piling (Anais) would be the first model completed in Makoko, because it seemed too hard to find the clams.  I designed this back in Kansas - it's just like fitting puzzle pieces together.  Makoko people have rich water that needs filtering, why not try biological things that can clean water?  Clams and plants are what I'm using and Baby's Piling is the example of Clam filtering.  Shrimp might also work in a different invention.  I named it Baby's Piling  before I knew the name of my first grand daughter - Anais.   I asked someone here in Makoko to find some clams and they got them in about 45 minutes.  The locals said the clams will grow in salt or fresh waters.  We will find out!   It's all an experiment - in theory Yes, in practice - we will see!  One thing is for sure, we tried!  If it doesn't work, we will look for other species of clams to try with Baby's Piling. Aquaculture and Compas

Somewhere That's Green

Will you help me bring green to Grey?  Please keep praying for this project.  Green brings fruit and cleaner waters and a sense of hope. Bubba... I bought these hand woven pots to give the plants a base for roots.  Somewhere That's Green {Link} It has taken me almost 3 weeks to observe the environment and community, assess the biological life for my purposes, acclimate and gather tools!  Today, I am at the sight where I begin building green (nothing political in my usage of the word green - only Biblical!).  Green, by God's economy brings the beauty and life of spring.    build a small (yet expandible) hydroponic system called the Silas Wall to bring a vision of green and economic potential.  I have several designs for the Silas Wall. 2 days Build a cistern - this will be a longer term project because I have to design and build a guttering system to catch the water that the poor can copy. I will likely weave this project in and out of the other projects. 2 weeks?